And so to-day

Carl Sandburg

And so to-day — they lay him away —
the boy nobody knows the name of —
the buck private — the unknown soldier-
the doughboy who dug under and died
when they told him to — that's him.

Down Pennsylvania Avenue to-day the riders go,
men and boys riding horses, roses in their teeth,
stems of roses, rose leaf stalks, rose dark leaves-
the line of the green ends in a red rose flash.

Skeleton men and boys riding skeleton horses,
the rib bones shine, the rib bones curve,
shine with savage, elegant curves —
a jawbone runs with a long white slant,
a skull dome runs with a long white arch,
bone triangles click and rattle,
elbows, ankles, white line slants —
shining in the sun, past the White House,
past the Treasury Building, Army and Navy Buildings,
on to the mystic white Capitol Dome —
so they go down Pennsylvania Avenue to-day,
skeleton men and boys riding skeleton horses,
stems of roses in their teeth,
rose dark leaves at their white jaw slants —
and a horse laugh question nickers and whinnies,
moans with a whistle out of horse head teeth:
why? who? where?

The unknown soldier is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.