Through marches through the mazy wood
And may be through too much of blood,
At last we came down to the seas.
A city stood, white wall'd, and brown
With age, in nest of orange trees;
And this we won and many a town
And rancho reaching up and down,
Then rested in the red-hot days
Beneath the blossom'd orange trees,
Made drowsy with the drum of bees,
And drank in peace the south-sea breeze,
Made sweet with sweeping boughs of bays,
No lands where northern ices are
Approach, or ever dare compare
With warm loves born beneath the sun
The one the cold white steady star,
The lifted shifting sun the one.
William Walker was an American advernturer and filibuster who with a small armed force seized control of Nicaragua and ruled as President from 1856-57.
Granada was then the capital of Nicaragua.