At Perigord Near the Wall

Ezra Pound

At Perigord near to the wall.
Aye, within a mace throw of it,
I will come armed upon Baiart,
and if I find there that fat-
bellied Poitevin,
He shall see how my brand cuts.
For upon the field I will make
a bran-mash of his brains,
mixed with the maille.


Author's Note: The 'maille' are the little round discs of his armour.

This extract is from Pound's translation of the poetry of the great 12th-century warrior and troubadour, Bertran de Born.

Périgueux is an ancient city (it even has a Roman theatre) and is the capital of the Perigord region of France.


Many collections of Pound's poetry can be bought on Amazon

Main Location:

Périgueux, France

The Cathedral at PĂ©rigueux, France