Clearwater Blue

LG Jaffe

In the roaring 20’s
Cleveland Street roared
merchants & customers
danced to sounds of serendipity
life was aplenty
on Cleveland Street
– They sung it blue
Clearwater blue. 
Eventually Death Valley
stung cleveland street
big box stores and malls aplenty
put the curse on downtown
once gentle shops
shuddered and then shuttered
as Wal-Marts & K-Marts
all kinds of marts tore
away their allegiance.  
Downtown was abandoned
abused and gone perhaps forever
shoppers drove by
remarking at the loss of beauty
rejoicing in bargains they chased
as the heart of their city stopped
like an elephant’s human graveyard.
Cleveland Street our Main Street
would not/could not die
lone entrepreneurial adventurers
salvaging commerce
artists resurrecting culture
The Mayor, the Council
the dedicated few
breathed life into a soulless landscape
creating a renaissance
a revival of sorts
Downtown Clearwater
alive once again.
– They sing it blue
Clearwater blue.

Cleveland Street is the historic main street of downtown Clearwater, Florida. Some of the old buildings have undergone extensive restoration.

An example is the plans for the People's Bank building on the corner of Cleveland Street and Fort Harrison Avenue.

Poetry Atlas has many other poems about Florida.

Main Location:

Clearwater, FL, USA

Other locations:

Cleveland Street in Clearwater, Florida - before the marts