In Aachen Cathedral

Murray Alfredson

In that high gothic choir appended to
the octagon (the hallowed chapel built
by Charlemagne) black habited he stood

conversing with a lass of twenty years
perhaps, weight mainly born by firmly planted
left foot, the right foot lightly resting on

the sanctuary step, knee slightly bent
to drape the habit handsomely, and (who knows?)
allow the sack to hang and cool in comfort.

Though words were doubtless lofty, the young man’s stance
projected just a little more than liking.

Aachen, or Aix-La-Chapelle, was the capital of Charlemagne who was buried in the Cathedral.

The Cathedral of Aachen in Germany is the oldest cathedral in Northern Europe. Construction of the core of the current structure dates from 796 AD, under Charlemagne.


Murray Alfredson's poetry collections are available online:

Main Location:

Imperial Cathedral, 52062 Aachen, Germany

The Imperial Cathedral, Aachen, Germany