Bella, Four and Me on Mt Rushmore

Michael Magee

(Your face here)
Half in shadow, half in light
I hold her up in front of
Washington and Jefferson
to the left of Abe Lincoln
filling in the gap between
Teddy Roosevelt's spectacles
where she fits just right.
Perched on my shoulder
among Borglum's Presidents
Bella smiles happily on cue
as I with my craggy face
bad dental work, chipped tooth
fit in nicely and certainly am
not amiss among the rockfall.

Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, is a granite mountain, one side of which has been carved into the massive likenesses of four American presidents - George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt. It is a very popular attraction, visited by around two million tourists every year.

Gutzon Borglum is the sculptor who shaped the monumental work between 1934 and 1939.