Henry Clay

William Lightfoot Visscher

A lofty granite column lifts
Its towering white toward the skies,
From where Kentucky's sunshine sifts
Through foliage of trees that rise
To shade the City of the Dead,
And stands he there who grandly said:
Rather would I be right than President;'
His form majestic on the monument —
Clay, great Harry of the West,
To fame and memory blest.

In eloquent appeal he stands.
Pride of the land he loved, and brave,
With soul, and voice, and honest hands
To help; to lead, conserve and save.
Amid the nation's anxious days,
Along the paths of peaceful ways.
From Honor's mount these noble words he sent
"Rather would I be right than President."
Thus came to Henry Clay
The patriot's wreath of bay.

The Henry Clay statue on its towering column is the centrepiece of the Lexington Cemetery