Speaking of attitude, which way does this house face?
The front porch and door look east, down the lawn.
It is here that, warmed by the morning sun,
we drink our coffee and watch the day unfold.
But some of the kitchen windows face south
toward a big maple, while others face west,
as does the picture window in the parlor,
a.k.a. living room. With beer and chips,
this is the place to watch the sun dissolve
behind the picture-postcard mountains.
In this room, too, sits the hearth, wood ready
for the cool evenings common in August.
Like the kitchen windows, the fireplace chairs face south.
As if all that isn’t bad enough
(I guess I could draw you a diagram),
north of the parlor, you’ll find the mud room.
This leads through to the small barn, or shed,
by means of which one normally enters the house.
This place, then, faces east, south, west and north.
Not to show too much cheek (or attitude),
but since kitchen, porch, picture window, hearth,
can all claim a degree of primacy,
you may be confused. If so, just blame me!
Look to Mountains, Look to Sea by Ron Singer is available from Amazon.