FAIR isle, that from the fairest of all flowers,
Thy gentlest of all gentle names dost take!
How many memories of what radiant hours
At sight of thee and thine at once awake!
How many scenes of what departed bliss!
How many thoughts of what entombéd hopes!
How many visions of a maiden that is
No more,—no more upon thy verdant slopes!
No more! alas, that magical, sad sound
Transforming all! Thy charms shall please no more,
Thy memory no more! Accurséd ground
Henceforth I hold thy flower-enamelled shore,
O hyacinthine isle! O purple Zante!
“Isola d’oro! Fior di Levante!”
The Venetians called this island in the Ionian Sea, "Fior Di Levante", Flower of the East.
It suffered terribly from an earthquake in 1953 and is now more famous for being a rowdy tourist destination.
Poetry Atlas has many other poems about Greece.
Shipwreck Beach on the island of Zante in the Ionian Sea