
Bonnie Manion

Splashing down from Waia’lea’le,

source of waters, the Hanale’i,

this secret  river dashes, plunges,

journeys slopes in dances and lunges.


Cuts a vale so steep and lush, House of Beauty’s praised with hush;

the home of flowers and birdcalls,

of maile, and ten waterfalls.


The valley opens wide to a fabled bay

as the river winds around a broad plain;

a sandy shore edges the small town where

waves line the cove mountains surround.


Under sea cliffs, by the coral shoals,

broad  pandanus trees shade and cool;

A reef  breaks waves and shelters the shore

where small fish hunt and crabs explore.


Winds bring clouds of nurturing rain,

tides mark shorelines time and again;

the sun  there  rises  also  east,

and sunsets color the skies with  peace.