Egg Rock

Antoinette Purinton

Egg Rock, if thou art so lonely now,
Uplifting heavenward thy lofty brow,
'Neath the warm radiance of a sunny sky,
Thy calm, still beauty delights the eye
When seemingly, as if in sportive play,
The sparkling wave throws up its foamy spray,
Or creeping on, only to backward flee,
Chasing each other in the wildest glee,
And then in softened murmur's lullaby
In mournful cadence, with the sea bird's cry.


O how majestic, when the raging sea
Its threat'ning billows, rushes upon thee,
And wildly dashing on, shock after shock,
Repelled by thee, thou adamantine rock,
Vainly the billows, rear their lofty crest
Like angry demons driven to unrest. 
In thundering gusts, along thy rocky strand
Its deafening roar so fearful to withstand,
Thou like a monarch on his natal day,
Obedient stand, holding aloft thy light-
Guiding the mariner on his way aright.
Thro' storms and darkness send thy cheering ray
A beacon light for ships that pass that way,
Their sole dependence on His sovereign will,
Who to the angry waves, said, "Peace be still."