Camelot (Queen's Camel)

Michael Drayton

Like Camelot, what place was ever yet renowned?
Where, as at Caerleon oft he kept the Table Round,
Most famous for the sports at Pentecost so long.
From whence all knightly deeds, and brave achievements sprung.
As some soft-sliding rill, which from a lesser head
(Yet in his going forth, by many a fountain fed)
Extends itself at length into a goodly stream:
So almost through the world his fame flew from this realm:
That justly I may charge those ancient bards of wrong
So idly to neglect his glory in their song:
For some abundant brain, O, there had been a story
Beyond the blind man's might to have enhanced our glory.

Queen's Camel, and nearby South Cadbury, with it's hillfort of Cadbury Castle are arguably the most likely locations for the semi-mythical "Camelot" of King Arthur. The area was the power base of a dark age warlord around the time of the historical Arthur.

Camelot was King Arthur's capital. Arthur's final battle of Camlann would also be located here on the River Cam.