To Aberdeen

William Dunbar

Blyth Aberdeane, thow beriall of all tounis,
The lamp of bewtie, bountie, and blythnes,
Unto the heaven upheyt thy renoun is,
Of vertew, wisdome, and of worthines;
He nottit is thy name of nobilnes.
Into the cuming of oure lustie quein,
The wall of welth, guid cheir, and mirrines:
Be blyth and blisfull, burgh of Aberdein.

And first hir mett the burges of the toun,
Richelie arrayit, as become thame to be,
Of quhom they cheset four men of renoun
In gounes of velvot, young, abill, and lustie,
To beir the paill of velves cramase
Abone hir heid, as the custome hes bein.
Gryt was the sound of the artelyie:
Be blyth and blisfull, burgh of Aberdein.

Ane fair processioun mett hir at the port,
In a cap of gold and silk full pleasantlie,
Syne at hir entrie with many fair disport
Ressaveit hir on streittis lustilie;
Quhair first the salutatioun honorabilly
Of the sweitt Virgin guidlie mycht be seine,
The sound of menstraillis blawing to the sky:
Be blyth and blisfull, burgh of Aberdein.

And syne thow gart the orient kingis thrie
Offer to Chryst with benyng reverence
Gold, sence, and mir with all humilitie
Schawand Him king with most magnificence;
Syne quhow the angill, with sword of violence,
Furth of the joy of Paradice putt clein
Adame and Ev for innobedience:
Be blyth and blisfull, burcht of Aberdein.

And syne the Bruce, that evir was bold in stour,
Thow gart as roy cum rydand under croun,
Richt awfull, strang, and large of portratour,
As nobill, dreidfull, michtie campioun.
The royall Stewartis syne, of great renoun,
Thow gart upspring, with branches new and greine,
Sa gloriouslie quhill glaidid all the toun:
Be blyth and blisfull, burcht of Aberdein.

Syne come thair four and tuentie madinis ying,
All claid in greine, of mervelous bewtie,
With hair detressit, as threidis of gold did hing,
With quhyt hattis all browderit rycht bravelie,
Playand on timberallis and singand rycht sweitlie.
That seimlie sort in ordour weill besein
Did meit the quein, hir halsand reverentlie:
Be blyth and blisfull, burcht of Aberdein.

The streittis war all hung with tapestrie;
Great was the pres of peopill dwelt about,
And pleasant padgeanes playit prattelie.
The legeis all did to thair lady loutt,
Quha was convoyed with ane royall routt
Of gryt barrounes and lustie ladyis schene.
"Welcum, our quein!" the commones gaif ane schout:
Be blyth and blisfull, burcht of Aberdein.

At hir cuming great was the mirth and joy,
For at thair croce aboundantlie rane wyne.
Untill hir ludgeing the toun did hir convoy;
Hir for to treit thai sett thair haill ingyne.
Ane riche present thai did till hir propyne,
Ane costlie coup that large thing wald contene,
Coverit and full of cunyeitt gold rycht fyne:
Be blyth and blisfull, burcht of Aberdein.

O potent princes, pleasant and preclair,
Great caus thow hes to thank this nobill toun,
That for to do thee honnour did not spair
Thair geir, riches, substance, and persoun,
Thee to ressave on maist fair fasoun.
Thee for to pleis thai socht all way and mein.
Thairfoir sa lang as quein thow beiris croun,
Be thankfull to this burcht of Aberdein.