'Tis holy ground! The silent silver lights
And darks undreamed of, falling year by year
Upon his sleep, in soft Australian nights,
Are joys enough for him who lieth here
So sanctified with Rest. We need not rear
The storied monument o'er such a spot!
That soul, the first for whom the Christian tear
Was shed on Austral soil, hath heritage
Most ample! Let the ages wane with age,
The grass which clothes _this_ grave shall wither not.
See yonder quiet lily! Have the blights
Of many winters left it on a faded tomb?*
Oh, peace! Its fellows, glad with green delights,
Shall gather round it deep eternal bloom!
Henry Clarence Kendall's (Author's) note: A wild lily grows on the spot supposed to be Sutherland's grave.--H.K.