Poems by Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806 - 1861)
The Poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning was one of the most celebrated poets of her era. She was born to a wealthy family in County Durham. She began writing poetry when as young as eight years old. The family moved to Devon and then to London, where Elizabeth got to know many literary figures, including Mary Mitford, Wordsworth, Coleridge and Tennyson. She moved to Devon for a while because of her ill health and back to London. Her Poems of 1844 inspired Robert Browning to write to her and begin a correspondence which led to a secret courtship and marriage in 1846. The Brownings then moved to Italy, where Elizabeth remained almost permanently until her death. Elizabeth Barrett Browning was considered for the post of Poet Laureate on the death of Wordsworth, but the honour was awarded to Alfred Tennyson. She died in Rome and is buried in the English Cemetery in Florence.