Poems by First Line
- Sí, tu niñez ya fábula de fuentes - Federico Garcia Lorca
- Sacramento! Sacramento - Bayard Taylor
- SACRED Religion! “mother of form and fear,” - William Wordsworth
- Sad, broken, and scarred, with a careworn look - Lillian Rozell Messenger
- Saeed, how many Saeeds, how thick the progeny - Bruce McIntyre
- SAFE at anchor in Drontheim bay King Olaf’s fleet assembled lay, - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
- Safe from the mountain tempest's wild alarms - William Pember Reeves
- Safe in this Wartburg tower I stand - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
- Sailing far off from Jingmen Ferry - Li Bai
- Saintly heart, Love's spirit flies - Timothy Adès
- Sakamoto's that way! - Kobayashi Issa
- Sally is gone that was so kindly, - Hilaire Belloc
- salt lake & sandhill - David Cookson
- San Miguel de la Tumba is a convent vast and wide - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
- Santa Ana came storming, as a storm might come - Joaquin Miller
- SARAH and William Adams! here we stood, - Ebenezer Elliot
- Sark, fairer than aught in the world that the lit skies cover - Algernon Charles Swinburne
- Saturday night: the sun is going down - William Osborn Stoddard
- Save Europe's Southern shores, what clime like this - Nicholas Michell
- Save where Garganus, with low-ridged bound, - Richard Milnes, 1st Baron Houghton
Poems about Places
Poems about Places